Knowledge vs Wisdom

On Sunday we looked at the profound distinction between knowledge and wisdom, particularly as it pertains to our spiritual journey and growth in Christ. We find ourselves in an era where knowledge is abundant and accessible with the mere click of a button. Yet, it is imperative to recognize that not all knowledge is beneficial for our spiritual nourishment. As we explore Colossians chapter one, we are reminded that the Apostle Paul, though he had not visited the Colossian church, was deeply concerned about their spiritual well-being. The church was being infiltrated by various philosophies and the deceptive teachings of Gnosticism, which claimed that secret knowledge was key to spiritual enlightenment.

Paul’s message to the Colossians, and us, is clear: knowledge alone is insufficient. It is through the application of knowledge, through wisdom, that we truly grow and bear fruit in our Christian lives. Wisdom is the practical use of knowledge, the hands and feet of our faith in action. It is not enough to simply know what is good; we must do what is good. This is the essence of bearing fruit – not merely in the number of souls won for Christ, but in becoming more like Jesus in character and our actions towards others.

We are called to be fruitful in every good work, to help those in need, to support our community, and to be a blessing to others. Our church, for instance, began as a mission church, a testament to the power of applied knowledge and wisdom. It is through the strength and power of God that we find the endurance to face trials with joyfulness, and it is through spiritual understanding that we discern whom to help and how to live out our faith.

As we consider our own spiritual lives, we must ask ourselves whether we are merely accumulating knowledge or actively seeking to apply it. Are we content with staying at the starting point of our faith, or are we pressing forward, growing, and becoming all that God intends for us to be? It is through prayer, spiritual understanding, and the application of God’s Word that we move beyond the starting point and into a life of fruitful service to the Lord.

Key Takeaways:

  • Knowledge without application is like a tool that is never used. As believers, we must not only seek to understand God’s Word but also to live it out in our daily lives. This is the essence of wisdom – the practical application of spiritual truths that transform us and those around us.
  • Fruitfulness in the Christian life is not limited to evangelism but encompasses all aspects of godly character and good works. Whether it is caring for a widow or offering a helping hand in the community, every act of service done in Jesus’ name reflects His love and a testament to our growth in Him.
  • Spiritual growth is not a passive process; it requires active engagement and the willingness to apply what we learn. The Holy Spirit guides us in understanding and applying God’s will, leading us to a life that is pleasing to Him and impactful to others.
  • Prayer is a powerful tool for spiritual growth, not only for ourselves but for others as well. By praying for others to grow and become all that God intends, we participate in the spiritual development of the body of Christ.
  • Testimonies are a vital part of our Christian witness. Sharing how God has worked in our lives encourages others and bears witness to the transformative power of the Gospel. Let us not neglect to share our stories of faith, for they may be the sermon someone needs to hear.